By accessing or using this website, any of its pages or any of the services referenced within, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms below.
Reidy Brighton Pty Ltd (‘car for’, ‘we’, ‘us’) provides Australians with online automotive data and information relating to new cars and used vehicle – in particular pricing.
This data is compiled from a range of sources including publicly available information, car manufacturer websites, car dealership websites, automotive classified websites and directly from car dealerships, brokers and fleet companies.
By registering with car for, you accept that your registration details (name, email, phone number, postcode, specific vehicle) may be shared with one of car for’s accredited dealers for the purpose of facilitating a personalised quote.
You also accept that if you do choose to purchase through an introduced car for dealer, Car for may then invoice a spotter’s fee from the supplying dealer (typically $200 – $350).
There is no obligation to accept or pursue any offers from accredited dealers and at any time you may request to cease receiving communication from both car for and related dealerships.
We do not arrange asset finance, but we refer you on to Nodifi to assist in obtaining asset and personal loan products. If you proceed and acquire a loan we can earn a referral fee paid from Nodifi Pty Ltd ABN 19 619 419 028 Australian Credit License 518444.
Any information derived from this site is to be used solely for your personal, non-commercial use and may not be copied, transmitted, displayed, distributed, downloaded, reproduced, used, sold or otherwise used for commercial or public purposes without car for express prior written consent.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold car for and participating dealers harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from your voluntary provision of contact information (including a telephone number) that is not your own.
All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Any pricing or related data provided by car for is collated with due care and consideration but may not directly correspond to specific pricing with respect to your unique requirements.
Pricing, manufacturer bonuses, trends, delivery dates, geographic variances etc should be used as a guide only. Car for make no guarantee of accuracy and relying solely on this information is at your own risk.